November 13, 2013

The Suba Laker Way

We are a football club and we love football.  But, we are about much more than just football.  Here are the priorities we teach our players.

1. God.  In everything we do, we should put God first.  As Matthew 6:33 tells us, we should “seek first his Kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you.”  No matter what we do in our daily life, we should do it for the purpose of glorifying God.  Along with this, it is important to learn and demonstrate good character and good morals. 

2. Family and Others.  We should learn to love others as we love ourselves.  It is often difficult to put the needs of others above our own, but we should strive to care for others, help others and serve others.  In turn, we will have strong relationships which help to develop great unity and teamwork are vital to a healthy and successful life.  Additionally, we challenge the girls to respect their parents/guardians at all times.

3. Academics. All of our players have different abilities on the field and in the classroom.  Not all of them will be able to score high grades and reach the highest levels of education, but we do expect each of them to do the best they are capable of.  We encourage them to work hard in school, respect their teachers, and develop good study techniques. 

4. Football.  Our players are invited to join the club because they have demonstrated good talent and potential.  All of them love playing football and want to become better players.  We encourage them to work hard at mastering the basic skills through consistent practice and to strive to become the best that they can.  By participating in regular training and competing against good competition, they can reach their potential. 

We want each of our girls to develop great priorities in life.  If too much emphasis is placed on football and the other important things are left aside, then they won’t have the balance necessary to become successful!  

Our hope and prayer is that each girl will have a personal relationship with Jesus, love others, do their best in school, and become the best football player they can. 

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