Alicent was one of the very first Suba Laker girls in 2009, and this year...
she started college!!!
At the age of 11, you could already see that she was special. Not only did she have a natural talent in football, she was bright and full of wisdom. Growing up in a rural village on the island of Rusinga, she recognized that her school was not giving her an opportunity to succeed since many days teachers didn't show up and there was little actual teaching ever done. She was concerned about her future and she wanted to do something about it. She approached the Suba Laker officials about being transferred to a different school. While this was never done for another club member, it was evident to the officials that her case was unique. In order for her to have a chance at living out the mission of the Suba Lakers, she would need a fresh start to have hope for a better future.
It's been her positive attitude and strong work ethic that has gotten her through many challenges in life. In her 2nd year of high school, as a starting player of her school football team, she tore her ACL in the Lake Region Football Championships. But before she went out of the game, she scored a critical goal which helped her team win the Championship and move on to the National Tournament. After receiving reconstruction surgery at AIC CURE International Hospital (with many thanks to the Suba Lakers supporters who helped cover the costs), she was dedicated to her rehab and a full recovery. She had no Physical Therapy clinic to attend each week. She had no parents forcing her to do her exercises. Yet, with the support of her coach, she remained focused and gained back full strength. By her final year of high school, she was back in full force, as Captain of the football team, and leading striker. There are few individuals who have the dedication, drive and perseverance like Alicent. And, who can do it with a smile!
After graduating high school in 2015, she was determined to continue with her education. Again, recognizing that, as an orphaned child, her family did not have the means to support additional education, she humbly, yet boldly approached the Suba Laker officials. She shared about her desire to enter the medical field; which is a competitive field in Kenya. Without hesitation, the officials agreed to assist her with college as they knew that she is someone worth investing in.
In March 2017, she started college at the Kenya Medical Training Institute in Homa Bay. She is studying a 3-year program in Nutrition and Dietetics. While she was hopeful to get into nursing, even though it's
extremely competitive, she is no stranger to making the most out of every opportunity. So she is thankful for this chance to study
within the nursing/medical field.
With a passion for football, you can't keep her off the pitch. She quickly joined the KMTC women's football team. In August, the team participated in the Kenya Medical Colleges Football Tournament in Mombasa. Alicent lead the the team with goals to help them win the Championship! It was the school's first time ever to win the national championship!
As the Suba Lakers Football Club, we are dedicated to ensuring Alicent has the funds for her college education. The costs are approximately $1500/year.
If you would like to contribute toward her education and her future, please give your tax-deductive donation online.