February 9, 2012

The Last One

On Monday, we brought the last of our 9 primary school football girl graduates to join secondary school. These nine have all been a special part of our football club for many years. Several of them have been with us since the beginning of the club, and some were with us even before we started the club. Most of them are orphans and from very poor homes. For the past year we have been praying and fasting about their future, asking God what to do next. Most girls in our district never even finish primary school and of the ones that do finish primary school, very few move on to secondary school because of low national exam scores or lack of money. With 9 to think about helping, we didn’t know how we could raise the money to assist. But where man is not able to, there is nothing impossible with God.

In the last couple of months a few well-wishers have given some money to help educate some of these girls. At the same time, God has given us some good connections with secondary schools that value girls football as well as academics. Some of these schools wanted these players so much that they were willing to allow them to come for drastically reduced fees. With the combination of those two things, we were able to pitch in our part to make sure each of them would continue their education.

The one we brought on Monday is named Caren. She has two loving parents, but they don’t have very much money. In fact the father has been struggling for the past three weeks looking for finances from every possible means with no success. When we shared with him what we had found out from a coach at Kobala Secondary School in Kendu Bay, Caren and the father were both very ready to give it a try because none of Caren’s three older siblings had even finished primary school. So when we brought her on Monday, she was the first one in her family to join a secondary school. The school warmly welcomed her and helped her get settled in and oriented as quickly as possible so that she could begin learning immediately.

After reaching home I got a message from the father saying, “It was today when I believed that with God, nothing can stand in your way. I was really stranded with Caren because I had no money for school fees or even transport to get her to school, but God provided a way through you. Pass our prayer to the Suba Lakers Club Officials. It is a miracle I will never forget in my life. Caren’s mother has a small gift to bring to you. Thank you. Every one of us is praying for you.”

We feel blessed that God would choose to use us to make a difference in the lives of these girls.

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